Online classes during Lockdown 6.0

Online classes are running for both our taekwondo and our boxing & Fitness community.

Online livestream Taekwondo classes are set at

  • Tuesday: Tiny’s 4.00pm, Junior’s 4.45pm and Teens & Seniors 5.30pm
  • Thursday: Tiny’s 4.00pm, Junior’s 4.45pm and Teens & Seniors 5.30pm
  • Saturday: Tiny’s 9.00am, Junior’s 10.00am and Teens & Seniors 11.00am

Online  livestream Boxing and Fitness classes are set at

  • Monday 9.30am
  • Tuesday 6.30pm
  • Wednesday 9.30am
  • Thursday 6.30pm
  • Friday 9.30am
  • Saturday 8.00am

The type of classes may vary each week (the morning one’s), but the times will not change at this stage. The types of classes will be published on our social’s each Sunday. Your can see these either on our social pages or on the feed that comes through to our website. All boxing and fitness classes are recorded and can be access at any time for viewing by our registered online members. Weekly memberships are available for our online fitness and boxing classes only.

To enrol in any of our online classes, please email