Fitness – Members

The awesomeness of Suspension Training

The awesomeness of Suspension Training

Ever seen those straps hanging from the ceiling in the gym with handles and wondered what they are for and how they could possibly give you a good workout. Whilst they may look innocuous, they are perhaps one of the best and most challenging pieces of gym equipment....

Do you have a competitive streak?

Do you have a competitive streak?

Do you consider yourself a competitive person? Do you see it as a good thing or a bad thing? I was having another of my in-depth discussions with one of my friends after a spot of boxing in the ring (it happens a lot after a good spar) and we got on to the topic of...

Why ‘The Karate Kid’ has mislead a generation of parents!

Why ‘The Karate Kid’ has mislead a generation of parents!

The image of The Karate Kid (a.k.a. Ralph Macchio) is typically one of the first mages that comes to parents minds these days when one hears about of considers a martial art for children. And it's not always the image of Daniel-son pulling his winning 'Crane' kick...

Excuse vs Reason…What is the difference?

Excuse vs Reason…What is the difference?

Do these sound familiar? I have a sore finger! I have a cold! I need to get my shizzle together before I can start exercising again! I have no doubt, that 50% of you (or more - myself included) have all used these types of excuses/reasons in the past or at the moment...

What Martial Art should I do?

What Martial Art should I do?

Martial arts are systems or application of different, styles and traditions of combat, defence or methods, that are practiced for a variety of reasons. There is well in excess of over 200 types of Martial Arts that exist across the world. Some of them are very...

Empowering Women – Chicks that Hit

Empowering Women – Chicks that Hit

This is not about male versus female. Or about who is stronger, faster or smarter. Too often in life, work or sport it becomes about battle of the sexes. Pay gaps, gender equality and domestic violence are just some of the symptoms of the unbalanced society we live...

Boxing: Getting the edge in Aussie Rules Football

Boxing: Getting the edge in Aussie Rules Football

TOUGH. Aussie rules footballers are touted as one of the toughest type of sportsmen and sportswomen. The hardknocks, the endurance, speed and agility that is required, means that conditioning the body and the mind is no easy task. Clubs at a local, region and national...

What would Confucius say about your New Years Resolutions?

What would Confucius say about your New Years Resolutions?

Most of us get caught up in the hype and excitement of the New Years celebration. Or maybe every year, that one night is a crappy reminder of a year wasted in a job you hate, of non-fulfilled commitments, laziness or over-indulgence of donuts, because they are so damn...

I’m not gonna tell you what to do…

I’m not gonna tell you what to do…'s your life. But there is so much information on health and fitness out there, you almost need a personal assistant though to sort through and filter out the rubbish. When I say rubbish, it's a broad definition. You need to recognise what's bullsh*t, what's...

The gift of confidence

The gift of confidence

Have you ever known or just watched some one move or do things with confidence it makes you a little bit sick? What makes some people more confident than others? What makes some kids more confident than others? Are we just born with it? Or more to the point these...

Where do you find your inspiration?

Where do you find your inspiration?

The sun comes up and goes down everyday. We put one foot in front of the other. And many of the things we do are habits, routines or tasks. To undertake the mundane ones, we don't usually require inspiration (motivation is a different story!). But what about the other...

Welcome to the new Titans website.

Welcome to the new Titans website.

Welcome to the new Titans website. It is still a bit of a work in progress. We hope that this website will answer any questions you may have about what we do, or our classes. We also would like for this website to be informative through integrating with our social...